Max, a starving Russian beagle left behind by Vladimir Putin's military, has discovered a new home.
existence searching for mines and booby traps for the Ukrainians.
A Russian soldier's abandoned special forces fighting dog has changed sides and is now assisting Ukrainians.
Three-year-old Max was discovered in a region that had just seen some
of the bloodiest battles since Vladimir Putin's invasion began.
The Belgian Malinois was restored to health before being given to Ukrainian military.
He is currently employed as a bomb-sniffing dog after learning Ukrainian.
"Max will now represent the right flank, defending Ukraine and nipping at Russian
butts, "said Dmitry, a National Guardsman from Ukraine.
A coworker remarked that Max had gained a lot of favor with the security personnel.
"We don't understand why the Russians would throw away such a beautiful animal,"
Dogs are considered to be members of the family among Ukrainians.
Max was a Kremlin soldier who had participated in the conquest of a town near the Black Sea in
the region of Mykolaiv
Mad Vlad was left alone after his army retreated, and he kept himself alive by consuming spoiled food.
He was still sporting the same camouflage collar that Russian military canines wear when he was found.
The SAS and SBS both use Malinois, according to a British special forces member.
man. They are courageous, smart, and athletic beings.
Although they are devoted, Max has unquestionably been convinced that the Ukrainians will be his new masters.
He said, "I'm shocked that the Russians left one of these beasts, for they are a highly treasured item.
"The bond a dog has with its handler is also quite strong. It would be comparable.
as though you were dumping a family member."