The sight of people displaying concern for other creatures may be so moving yet is so infrequent; dedication is difficult. This man went above and beyond for the animals he advocated, going out of his way to ensure their happiness, which in turn made him happy.
His name is Mark Starmer, and when we refer to his 45 adopted pets, we mean all of them. On his British Columbia, Canada house, he built a 4-acre quadrangle for his animals to run about in and gives them everything they need for a healthy life.
The outcome was a large group of tail-flapping, love-inflicting, fashionable furry
Kudos to this beautiful human being with a big heart of gold for animals.
replydeletethis is so beautiful that he is giving the dogs a better life to live god bless
deleteYes! God Bless these Heros!!!
deleteAbsolutely perfect!!🐕
replydeleteGod bless the man for his good deeds to the dogs.
replydeleteAre you going to be loved and knocked down when you cross over the rainbow 🌈 bridge love ❤️ your work 💖 keep it up
replydeleteGod bless your beautiful soul .🙏🏻❤️👍🥰🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕
replydeleteAre you married?
replydeleteRESPECT to this man
replydeleteYou are an angel!!!!!!