This pit bull with a sweet appetite does the same thing you did as a child when you heard the music from the ice cream truck arriving.
When an ice cream truck arrived at her house, she was ecstatic.
When her mother arrived with some cash, she hurried over to the truck, took her place in line, sat down, and waited.
When it was their turn, the puppy sat close to the window and watched her mother give them the money. She then saw what she had been hoping to see.
When the mother of the pit bull offered her the ice cream, she quickly devoured it all and proceeded in search of more.
Hey, don't criticize a woman for trying!
Below is a video of the intelligent pit bull waiting for ice cream in its entirety.
Aww so sweet ! 🥰
replydeleteCan't fool a smart dog with a cold,sweet tooth!! Thanks Mom.
replydeleteWhat a beautiful, sweet pup! Great manners too. She isn't spoiled😁
replydeleteThat's so sweet shes waiting in line for her ice cream
replydeleteShe should try and teach him to hold dollar bills in his mouth and pay for it! That would be really cute. They could even meet him at the back door!
replydeleteShe’s beautiful and so we’ll behaved. She should be wearing a collar though. Anything could happen and it’s the best way for her to be reunited with her family.
replydeleteNO Collar or leash on a huge pit usual. Super selfish and inconsiderate. Not to mention, against the law.
replydeleteAnd the other lady, already in line, with a small dog, is wondering if her little dog is safe? Many times that would have ended badly. This is NOT cute.....why are people so blind? So MANY times the Pit Bull attacks and kills the small dog. People OPEN YOUR EYES. This is NOT cute.....this is DANGEROUS, selfish, ignorant and illegal. Your Pit Bull, without a leash, without a collar, running loose, is NOT CUTE.
replydeleteCalm down, jeez. Stop discriminating because it’s a pitbull. That dog was not aggressive whatsoever and was obviously very well trained and controlled. If the dogs were reversed you would have thought a little dog waiting in line as adorable. However, the pitbull is a danger? A well behaved dog that is waiting patiently and listening to it’s owner. Whoooaaa so scary, a sweet out waiting in line for ice cream.
deleteGet a life. There are some small dogs more dangerous than a pit bull when around them. Like damm Karen.
replydeleteWhat is wrong with you people that pit bull is well trained all it wanted was ice cream not people get over it
replydeleteSoooo sweet and polite love it
replydeleteOn date night Petey 🐶🐾 and I go to Dairy Queen. At first he thought the cone was plastic, now he can’t wait for the crunch
replydeleteGo away with this nonsense. It's begging. That is what they do. Beg constantly. And that ugly face isn't smiling. It's gonna pant. Ugly stinking mutants.