Stray Puppy Hit By Car And Unable To Move, Finally Spotted After 12 Hours In Cold

After being hit by a car, a stray puppy was left motionless in the snow for 12 hours. The puppy, who has a broken pelvis, was injured in a Canadian town in northern Alberta. She wasn't moving, and the temperature was below zero, so her chances of survival were slim.

Thankfully, a few youngsters spotted her and let the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society (AARCS) and the animal rescue AB Task Force know where she was.

"She spent nearly 12 hours laying there alone and freezing," according to AARCS, before assistance showed up and took her to SAVEvet. The snow had begun to melt around her as a result of her body heat.

The puppy, now known as Nutmeg, was ecstatic to see her rescuers when she was found.

Nutmeg's shattered pelvis has only six weeks to heal within a box. According to AARCS, this girl is deserving of eternal affection, admiration, and backrubs.

Here, Nutmeg is shown taking pleasure in some of the affection and treats that she so richly merits.

Nutmeg will be put up for adoption after she has fully recovered. Visit the AARCS website to learn more.

The foster care organization for Nutmeg, AARCS, said in a touching update and video (see below): "We are so thrilled to share with you all that Nutmeg has found her very own forever home!"

Nutmeg was smiling, which was hilarious. Inform your friends and family that she was saved!

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